About eurac

eurac, Euro­pean Academy for Exec­u­tive Educa­tion, has worked in the field of lead­er­ship devel­op­ment, exec­u­tive coaching, and excel­lent commu­ni­ca­tion since 1995.

eurac regards itself as an inte­grated inter­na­tional busi­ness school with the aim of providing compre­hen­sive and prac­tical “state of the art” lead­er­ship and coaching training for senior and top manage­ment in all indus­tries. eurac delivers prac­tice-oriented, directly applic­able knowl­edge, and sustain­able bene­fits to its exec­u­tives and compa­nies for their personal and corpo­rate growth, creating excep­tional economic values and magnif­i­cent social values.

With an excel­lent inter­dis­ci­pli­nary team hailing from diverse acad­emic back­grounds and rich busi­ness prac­tices, eurac is dedi­cated to offering outstanding educa­tion and unique services for its clients around the world, espe­cially in Europe and Asia. eurac is not only ranked as one of the most renowned insti­tu­tions for lead­er­ship training and educa­tion in German-speaking coun­tries, but also boasts an excel­lent repu­ta­tion abroad.

In the past 24 years, eurac has success­fully deliv­ered tens of thou­sands of exec­u­tive programs for global clients in the fields of IT, High Tech, cosmetics, finance, auto­mo­bile, manu­fac­turing, logis­tics, media, food and beverage, fashion, tourism, medi­cine, and defense.

Our iden­tity

Profes­sional trend­setter for human development.

Leading orga­ni­za­tion in lead­er­ship development.

Inno­v­a­tive builder between acad­emia and business.

Prac­tical provider for target-oriented learning solutions.

Our unique­ness

Skillful and Up-to-Date

We design our programs in a congruent and compre­hen­sive way to ensure that clients achieve compe­ten­cies instead of merely “spot-solu­tions”. eurac main­tains strong part­ner­ships in both busi­ness consulting and the scien­tific field by working closely with Harvard Busi­ness School, Ross School of Busi­ness at Michigan Univer­sity, and Mass­a­chu­setts Insti­tute of Tech­nology (MIT).

eurac not only combines the latest knowl­edge from the above univer­si­ties with busi­ness prac­tice, but also conducts in-depth research on lead­er­ship and coaching for real compe­tency training. eurac is always on the cutting edge of development.

Prac­tical and Constructive

We test the latest theo­ret­ical concepts in busi­ness prac­tices. We use a wealth of case studies in our train­ings. Our inter­ac­tive training model and prac­tical busi­ness wisdom engage our partic­i­pants to act upon complex busi­ness issues and opti­mize their lead­er­ship potential.

Further­more, we develop easily applic­able tech­niques for coaching and lead­er­ship so that leaders are equipped with usable methods. This well demon­strates our ability to connect theory with the real busi­ness world.

Indi­vid­u­ality and Diversity

We pay partic­ular atten­tion to quality and excel­lence. We believe that sustain­able lead­er­ship and coaching knowl­edge are a combi­na­tion of the latest leading science and real-life expe­ri­ences in various branches, fields, and corpo­rate cultures/structures. There­fore, we provide custom-designed exec­u­tive educa­tion programs for our clients across a wide range of global industries.

Our trainers and coaches are experts in commu­ni­ca­tion, coaching, and change processes. They have diverse geographic back­grounds. They are from Germany, Austria, Switzer­land, Norway, Slovakia, Denmark, the Nether­lands, Belgium, the United States, and China. With their commit­ment to field-research and quality training, they are compe­tent to support managers in achieving their goals.

Exclu­sive and Authentic

We are not for everyone.

We offer small classes and tailored programs to achieve sustain­able quality and thus prac­tical bene­fits for our participants.

We are independent.

We neither follow certain orga­ni­za­tions or persons nor adhere to specific ideolo­gies – we are exclu­sively committed to sustain­able quality and bene­fits for our customers. For that, we locate outstanding certi­fied experts from sciences, consulting and prac­tice in our seminars.

Our Mission

Imagine a world in which every single person on this planet can make full use of his or her resources.

No way is too far if you have the right partner beside you.”
–An old saying

Study is the life stream of human growth. The purpose of learning is action, which brings us the courage to change and guides us to change our values. Glob­al­iza­tion requires top managers to make changes. New knowl­edge increases with light speed. Knowl­edge sharing will ensure future success. Invest­ment in growth and educa­tion will be highly rewarded because wisdom is the only trea­sure that will stay with us forever.

Our mission is to broaden exec­u­tives’ inter­na­tional perspec­tives, improve corpo­ra­tions’ inno­v­a­tive compe­ten­cies, and thus make contri­bu­tions to global economic devel­op­ment and success.

Our Brand Story

1995Dr. Wolf­gang Schmitz founded eurac, Euro­pean Academy for Exec­u­tive Educa­tion, in Germany. His moti­va­tion was the unshak­able belief that system­atic training for further devel­op­ment of managers and employees is one of the key factors for a successful business.

1998eurac estab­lished part­ner­ships with Harvard Univer­sity, MIT, Univer­sity of Michigan, and Stan­ford Research Insti­tute (SRI).

1999eurac estab­lished its internal “Research and Devel­op­ment” depart­ment in order to inte­grate the state-of-the-art knowl­edge gained from its acad­emic part­ner­ships into the prac­ti­cally applic­able models in coaching and lead­er­ship training.

2000: The strategic part­ner­ship with the Michigan Ross Busi­ness School was launched.

2005 — 2007eurac was awarded as the “most inno­v­a­tive coaching insti­tute in Germany” by the Euro­pean Coaching Asso­ci­a­tion (ECA).

2005eurac estab­lished part­ner­ships in China and began to deliver its prod­ucts and services for Chinese exec­u­tives and companies.

2006eurac estab­lished its branch in Abu Dhabi, Middle East.

2008eurac moved to Liecht­en­stein. It is now located in the heart of Europe, which helps eurac better serve its key customers in Switzer­land, Germany, Austria, Liecht­en­stein, and the German-speaking part of Italy.

2012eurac estab­lished its branch in Hong Kong.